Feb 28, 2013
tablet gadgets
Feb 27, 2013
packing list for the Prius
- large suitcase containing clothes for working in Mexico.
- medium duffle bag containing clothes I’ve been wearing around, plus shoes, toiletries, netbook, chargers, climbing shoes.
- large messenger bag containing, you know, messages. Also, pens.
- Dell computer tower. This is kind of a large, fragile item. Given its size, I’m wondering if I should even be dragging it along partway. I wanted it basically to practice my Rhino skills before I make a fool of myself at the office, where I’m assuming, they use Rhino. Something to check on.
- 23” flat panel monitor for the tower.
- box of legos - for a old classmates’ child
- a very large valuable watercolor of a Beijing hutong
- a not so large or valuable framed Chinese embroidery
- Suki the cat
- suki’s litter box
- bag of brushes and bowls
- giant bag of food
- giant box of kitty litter
- The giant hardshell kitty carrier
- The smaller soft kitty carrier
Housecleaning and beer
On the flip side, the apartment looks phenomenal, apart from the broken linolineum tiles in the kitchen. I cleaned out the fridge, cleaned the walls, cleaned the baseboards, pulled all the fur and crap out of the hallway runner, swept everything.
I took the final load of stuff to the storage facility, which was the hardest thing to do because it meant losing the wifi. But, had to be done. Fed Suki, sold the IKEA wine rack we got for free from the dumpster, (for $20, now partially converted to beer and goodwill among friends)
Today I ate another two donuts for breakfast, washed down with a small bottle of whole milk. Another bag of salad for lunch. For dinner, I stopped by Schnucks and bought a huge bag of Suki food and more kitty litter, and also picked up two drumsticks of fried chicken and some chips for dinner. Cheap cheap cheap. As long as I buy food from grocery stores, I’m going to save a lot of money.
I met up with Chuck and Adam and Jess and Dave O at 4 Hands Brewery tonight for a farewell drink. It was a place I’ve always wanted to go, but never have. Really good beer. Bar is more of a tasting room. Very industrial, not really cozy, more of the place if you’re really into beers and you want to try some local brews you can’t get in a bottle anywhere. I have to say I will really miss the beer culture here.
The apartment is effectively empty. I still need to get someone to buy the dining room chairs so I don’t have to donate them to Goodwill, and then there’s all the stuff I’m taking with me.
Eating Old Laptops
Sunday night, I joined Dew, Chuck and Freda for dinner at Charlie Gitto’s in The Hill neighborhood. Ostensibly Italian food, although they invented the toasted ravioli. Menu was classic Americana- six layer lasagna, linguini with clams, pizza. At least they make their own noodles. The lasagna was actually great and huge. I’m happy, actually that I got to eat at one of the Italian restaurants on the hill, although it’s a seriously poor second to Boston’s north end.
Also, surprisingly expensive. It’s just kind of a snobby, stuffy restaurant. Of the $100 I got from the laptop, $60 went to this one meal. I can’t tell if that’s great or if its really horrible.
apartment cleaning
Feb 25, 2013
the first bed after my own
Feb 20, 2013
Aw, Schnucks
Everyone knows that grocery store chains have different stores depending on the neighborhood. I'm kind of fascinated with how far Schnucks has taken it. A rundown of the Schnucks I frequent:
Olive and Midland
This is basically your lower rent Schnucks, especially since its the closest grocery store to the food desert of the balkanized, poor municipalities north of U city, namely Pagedale and Normandy.
Huge racial diversity here. Some students, mostly from the university housing north of Delmar, a few local Asians, lots of black people, more than any other Schnucks I've seen.
Next door: a dollar store, and a clothing store for plus sized black women.
Not much produce here, ( I have heard a theory that grocery stores in areas considered to be higher risk of shoplifting will carry less fresh fruits and veggies, which have a very low profit margin, and generally mark up the price to compensate for a higher loss rate ) very poor beer and wine selection, no coffee stand. They don't sell the premium orange juice they squeeze themselves, and they don't sell gelato either.
However, they do have the most amazing selection of smoked meats of any of the Schnucks I've seen. There's an entire section of the store devoted to it, actually. And its great stuff too, most of it from local smokehouses and sausage makers.
The store is more spartan, dingier. They started selling products in giant cardboard bins with giant sale signs in the middle of the aisle. It seems clear to me they are trying to attract the Wal-Mart shopper.
A little over a mile south and you get to the grocery store that serves the university community and the relatively wealthy neighborhoods to the south and west. It's nice without feeling opulent. In-store coffee shop, sometimes with live music.
Next door: bikram yoga, UPS, frozen yogurt.
They sell the amazing orange juice and the expensive gelato. The smoked selection is not bad either.
Also pretty diverse. Seems to cover a wide range of shoppers. Great produce section, good wine selection, amazing beer section. Best beer selection of any Schnucks. Bustling and busy pretty much anytime. Open 24 hours. Lots of college kids.
A little over a mile away is a world of difference in the Schnucks. If the Olive store caters to lower income blacks, this store caters to wealth and Jews. It's a logical step, given its location at the edge of one of the richest neighborhoods in St. Louis, and its proximity to the heart of the Jewish enclave. Walking in, I can always tell we're approaching a high holy day by the featured products on immediate display.
This is what my family calls "the nice Schnucks". It's actually part of a stylized shopping center which has a Barnes&Noble and a Gap. It's a vaguely Virginian style with red brick, chandeliers in the vestibule, and whitewashed wood. It's too pretentious. It looks like an upscale grocery store, although it doesn't have the smugness of nearby Straub's which is an upscale grocery store.
The produce and fruit section here is great- fresh, good looking, and lots of it. They sell the "life changing" Culinaria fresh orange juice. Huge selection of wines and other liquor, great selection of beer, including craft breweries. Coffee and gelato stands in the store. Really weak smoked meat selection.
Schnucks on the Plaza
The single bottle of beer I bought here was placed first in a paper bottle bag, and then in a larger, white paper grocery bag emblazoned with the store name in dignified serif typeface: this is not Schnucks-this is Schnucks on the Plaza.
Since the only large open spaces nearby are asphalt parking lots, I can only surmise that the plaza is a reference to the nearby mini-mall, with only luxury department stores. A friend characterized the area as "disgusting"and I have to agree with him. The architecture style of the area is Virginian plantation. Where the Ladue Schnucks simply borrows some materials and language, these buildings really try to look like plantation buildings. The Schnucks front facade is covered with whitewashed wood slats. It has a steeple. It looks like a cross between a church and a barn.
Next door: Sak's Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, financial advisors.
This is the Schnucks of the wealthiest area of St Louis. Big old houses, golf courses. This Schnucks feels more old money than the Ladue. No crystal chandeliers here, just a straight cold high end grocery. Good produce and veggies, wide variety of gourmet foods, the largest selection of wines of any of the other stores, and in sharp contrast; poor selection of beer, almost as bad as the Olive store. The weak craft beer section says to me that this is a store for old rich people.
Feb 18, 2013
Moving frenzy: it begins
Saori and I went to our last university house party last Saturday. The theme was mythical creatures, which was widely interpreted. Some Chinese students came dresses in heels and traditional cheongsam dress. Others just came in 1920's attire. There were not a few unicorns. Brian wore a massive cardboard mythic bird mask/helmet and construction paper wings pinned to his shirt.
Saori and I both came as high school unicorns. I was the super preppie nerdicorn and Saori was the punk unicorn with her golden horn hanging on a string around her neck. We made our costumes with $15 of supplies from the dollar store. The horns we made from Styrofoam cones and gold wrapping paper. I studded mine with brass thumbtacks and added a single LED at the tip, which was really dramatic in the dimly lit party.
I enjoyed myself, only slightly self-conscious about being a graduate in a school party. Adam came too, as a kind of twentysomething werewolf with paper sideburns. I will miss those crowded parties, with the dancing abandon in empty, small living rooms, the do-it-yourself grooveshark DJs, the crowded apartment, running into friends in costume in close spaces and small kitchens.
The apartment sorting and cleaning has begun. Regardless of where I am in two weeks, it will not be here. So, I've started the great sell off on Facebook and craigslist. I sold my TV, my bicycle, a bunch of stuff. And we've sent a lot of stuff to Goodwill as well.
Saori and Dew are taking off Sunday, so time is flying by. I still need to reserve a storage unit in town.
Feb 17, 2013
if we were a band, this would be in the liner notes
Feb 13, 2013
I was getting pretty tired of dealing with the crowds and I wasn't really into hanging around until dark or trying to fight our way into some crappy overpriced bars, so I proposed we get out of Soulard and hit up a bar on the way back home. This was met with general approval, so we headed back out of Soulard, crossed the bridge back to the shuttle busses, and quickly found ourselves back downtown. We walked the few blocks to Bridge tap house, and found a table in the relatively empty bar.
What a contrast to the scene we had just left! Quiet, dark, luxurious, with great beer, (note to self- Ommegang Rare Vos) and good beer snacks (cheese crisps with thin apple slices and spicy mustard, fresh baked pretzel balls with french onion dip). It was good for another few drinks until Saori started nodding off, which was the sign for us to head home.
We were only at home for an hour before taking off to Freda, Helena, and Laura's house. These are three Chinese-area friends of ours who invited us to their Chinese New Year hotpot party. Lots of people I knew, a few I didn't. Three hot pots set up, all spicy, with tons of vegetables, beef, fish balls, enoki mushrooms, tripe, etc, and everything washed down with beer.
We actually started the party off with everyone taking a sake bomb, which was highly amusing considering only half of the party had ever even heard of one, so there was a short description and demonstration of the methodology. And there was a lot of spillage and early droppers as people attempted to balance their dixie cups of sake over the cups of beer.
It was a lot of fun, Tay and I ate way too much, but we had some great conversations and Tay seemed to enjoy himself. He later confided to me that I had a lot of really nice, outgoing friends. I'm just lucky that way, I guess. Anyway, we finally headed home and when we got there, we were both wiped out. As Tay pointed out, we'd basically been drinking from 10am until 10pm.
The next day was not nearly as much fun, but at least, by spacing the drinking out through the entire day and taking lots of water, I wasn't nearly as bad off as say, after the farm party.
Feb 10, 2013
Getting to Mardi Gras
- toasted ravioli = Italian pasta+American breading and frying
- St. Louis style pizza= New York pizza + plastic
- gooey butter cake = butter, sugar, flour, eggs + Heaven
- Budweiser beer = Czech pilsner + extra water
Feb 3, 2013
Superbo...we interrupt this blog title to bring you...a blackout
I'll let that sink in.
Actually, I went to the trouble to look up who was playing a few days ago, and when I talked to my dad yesterday, I mentioned the fact. He said "ok, who's playing?"
"Well, it's the San Franciso.... 49ers......"
"Aaaaaant. Try again."
I gave up. I knew it wasn't the cardinals or the rams since they were both home teams. This goes to show the extents of my knowledge of NFL teams.
Anyway, we went over to a friend's house and watched the game. The halftime show was uninspiring although there was a really funny moment when one member of Destiny's child who was shot up in the air to land perfectly on the stage, actually looked terrified as if she had just been, in fact, shot up in the air.
After the performance, the power failed. I mean, totally failed. They said they lost power to half the stadium. I think they were being generous- the lights which remained on were probably safety lights, tied to the emergency generators which would be located on site just for these emergencies. At any rate, the commentators, desperate to fill airtime which was now totally null, made a bunch of stupid pointless comments for the half-hour it took to restore power, interrupted by more commercials.
"At this point, it looks like there was a problem with the power coming into the building"
Astounding. I thought the Astrodome produced its own power.
"As you can see, the lights in the stadium are still off, and we are waiting for official league response."
I don't think the power outage was an aberration. From what I know about New Orleans and the amount of infrastructural difficulties the city is suffering, I was surprised that there weren't two blackouts.
The commercials were surprisingly bad. Long, poor graphics. I used to be astounded by the quality of the computer animations used. This was really hack work. I was also surprised by the melodramatic depths to which car commercials in particular would dive. Dodge's commercial about a mythical America of farmers, Jeep attempting to wear a camouflage jacket as a supporter (get it?) of the US armed forces. Lest we forget, Dodge and Jeep are both brands of cars owned by a multinational corporation divided between Italy and the US.
And let's please forget as quickly as possible the simpering ad about the Budweiser (wholly owned by InBev, a Belgian company) Clydesdale and the cowboy.
I was kind of irritated at the cheetah commercial for Sketchers too. I would not put money on the cheetahs surviving to Superbowl 2023.
Feb 2, 2013
calls, climbing, and cooking
Yesterday was a busy day. Saori has set up a workstation in the living room and consequently draws a lot of power, especially for the space heater. When Vivian uses the hair dryer in the bathroom, it blows the fuse, and everything shuts down. So that took some time to straighten out.
I had a phone interview in the early afternoon, and then immediately afterwards dashed over to teach a revit workshop for an architecture studio. The professor of the studio, Cruse, taught me in my first studio at Wash U, and I'd when I heard that the entire class would be working in Revit, and that everyone involved had little to no experience with it, I offered to lend my services. Besides, what the hell else am I doing of use?
Anyway, the studio is very unique- the project is to take two identical vacant apartments buildings, both built in the early 20th century, and refinish one in the typical manner of the developer who owns the area, and the other in a more sustainable way. The two buildings would then be compared as to energy usage, water usage, etc.
The studio itself is held in the top floor of one of these apartment buildings. It's cool to be working inside the building you're investigating and going to change, but it sucks to be so far from your other classes, classmates, plotters, etc. Alex and Luke have done admirably with Revit so far, and I was happy to help them out since I know how frustrating Revit can be. I presented to the studio the basics of navigating revit and making some changes, and hopefully people got a better sense of how it might be used or at least, navigated.
After a few hours of instruction, I biked back home and then Saori and I went out to the Asian markets to get supplies for making okonomiyaki for dinner. Then we drove downtown, and had nearly hit a car on the freeway which had stopped suddenly for a lane closure. The ABS kicked in, and we came within a foot or two of the car in front of us. The car behind us was thankfully far enough back to avoid the same kind of brake-slamming I'd employed.
Anyway, we made it to Climb So Ill alive, and met up with Reid and Kirsten, a very intelligent couple who have led very interesting lives and who are both experienced climbers. We were shortly joined by Dew and Chuck and Alex and Jenn. I much prefer climbing at SoIll to Upper Limits. The gym is huge, the bouldering is a lot more fun, and you climb a lot higher. If not for the membership fees, I'd be there all the time.
I finished a few v1s, and one v2 that was really bothering me. I attempted a few v3s but could barely get started on them. Towards the end of the night, my hands were incredibly raw and finally, losing my footing, and slipping off the hand holds, I ripped one of my callouses open, leaving a flapping bloody wound which ended my climbing for the night. Some of my other fingernails were already bleeding at the cuticles. It stung like something fierce and the chalk getting in there didn't make anything better.
Anyway, we invited everyone over for okonomiyaki afterwards and we feasted again. Okonomiyaki is basically a savory pancake, mixed from a batter with egg, chives, and tons of chopped cabbage. The batter is fried into a large pancake and then served covered with dried bonito or salmon flakes, ribbons of tonkatsu sauce and the spicier Japanese mayonnaise.
Medium is the message
I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to Medium.com, a more writing-centric website. medium.com/@wende
I started taking German courses again after getting some comments from my bosses that I needed to accelerate my language acquisition. I'...
Tuesday morning I hit the Keurig button before dawn. Tracy and Kim have a lovely expensive built in coffee machine which will grind the bea...
I made beans and cornbread tonight for dinner. Beans in the pressure cooker, baked cornbread from scratch. Threw in some lightly smoked pork...