Had a pretty good day so far. Worked in the morning while I did more last minute cramming, had a great talk with dad in Abu Dhabi while drinking a chai tea latte out on the Charlie's Cafe patio. I think I did reasonably well on the exam. I think I'm definately in good shape for a solid A in that class, especially as we got our papers back today. Another A. Very happy with that. Now, I'm back at home for a few hours to begin my paper on Rogelio Salmona before trotting back to work to work on it some more.
I'm going to fly out and visit uncle David and Aunt Brenda next week after my finals are over for a few days. I need something resembling a vacation first of all, and I also want to talk to them about grad school etc. I also just need to get away for a bit before starting my internship, maybe do some camping up there.
Oh! finaly got around to shrinking my boards so I can post them. Here they are above^
click on each board for full view.
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