Aug 16, 2010

Guidelines II

Personal guide to graduate school, revision II
  1. Ask many questions and don't be afraid to follow them. 
  2. Risk more- growth only comes with discomfort. Don't be afraid to fail.
  3. Embrace new ideas, new tools, and new methods of making and designing.
  4. Be bold, be daring!
  5. Let professional experience support, and not hinder, experimental design
  6. Embrace collaboration and criticism- everyone has something to teach if you listen.
  7. Sleep is a priority. So is food and exercise.
  8. Follow fun and interesting, but don't let them distract from necessity.
  9. Take advantage of professors, libraries, online resources, workshops. They're paid for- use them!

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.