The house cleaners came by and I practiced my Spanish while Neri got ready to go. My spanish is a lot worse than I thought. I still remember a lot of vocabulary, but I speak like a drive a stick shift: terribly without practice. Hables un poco mas despacio, por favor.
First stop was El Rey tacos, a small cuban/mexican outlet. Dos tacos y una media horchata. Pretty good. The cuban tacos had sour cream and fried plantains.
Next stop was the Walgreens that had the vaccine- apparently there’s a few Walgreens that specialize in travel immunizations. Expensive though- nearly $100 for the shot. However, a drop in the bucket compared to actually developing typhoid.
After the Walgreens, we went over to a Barnes&Noble and I used up the rest of my gift card there for a slim volume of basic spanish grammar and a map of Mexico City.
On the way back to the apartment Neri took the car to the auto spa. Driving around parts of Houston like Post Oak or the newer richer areas, I’m struck by the resemblance to Abu Dhabi. The immaculately pruned and planted medians, the formula 1 track wide streets. The gaudy street lighting and signage in chromed steel. Even the massive luxury condo towers incongruously rising next to the Houston bungalows they are slowly replacing.
The last stop of the day was Randall’s ‘Flagship’ market, which turned out to be a Safeway in disguise. Not sure if its one of those things where Safeway bought a local chain of groceries and kept the name, or if its a new entry to the market and wanted a more distinctive name.
Anyway, came home and took a nap until dad returned from the office. Saori called me about the same time, so I skyped her for about an hour and a half which made my day. It was so good to see her, although she’s so tired and busy with work as they’re gearing up for a competition submittal. My tablet died just after we said our goodbyes.

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