Yesterday, when I got to the office at the regular time, there were a few guys with scraggly beards poking around. I turned out they were part of a camera crew from the Discovery Channel there to shoot the office and interview Tatiana.
A little while later, the rest of the crew arrived. About a dozen lighting people, photographers, an interviewer, director, tech people, lighting people. They were here the whole day, hanging lights, shooting models (no! not that one! It's confidential!) interviewing Tatiana, shooting the office. I got shot from behind, so I'm curious if they'll use my dinking around in SketchUp as part of the overall program. I realized they were setting up a camera behind me, and when I turned my head to see what it was they were shooting at, I was staring into a lens a foot from my face.
All the photographers did their shooting of stills and live video with a couple Canon EOS D5s. They had kind of a cool camera setup where they ran a rail with a camera mount between two tripods, so they could do small tracking shots. My friend Moises took a photo of some of the crew and posted it, and I realized that I looked as scruffy and hipster as the photographers. Time for a shave and a haircut? Maybe?
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