I've always been amazed at your range of talents. You are a wellspring of charisma, people just like to be around you. Your strength and stubborness will serve you well in life. And I've always been floored by the way you beat me hands down in a variety of athletics from ice skating to tennis to ping pong (although I can catch food with my mouth better than you ha ha). And the acting took me completely by surprise, although with your charisma and intuitive quick thinking, it shouldn't have. Watching you in Guys and Dolls was the highlight of my Moscow trip. When you want something, when you love doing something, you get it done.
I've missed you down here in Tempe. You've changed so much since you've been gone, the natural result of high school, intensified by your life over there. But when we hang out I still catch glimses of an younger Taylor, a Taylor who once used to make me snack when I got home from school and who loved macaroni and cheese. Keep letting your big heart guide you and never lose that kindness.
I hope you're enjoying Abu Dhabi, but I know it must feel strange and alienating knowing that you'll be coming back there and leaving your friends behind. I know what thats like, but I never had as many friends as you. Hopefully, you'll all be able to stay in touch through blogs, myspace, etc. And I know that you'll make new friends in Abu Dhabi, which is a small consolation. At any rate, its good experiance for the feelings of dislocation and change you'll find when you come to college. But you'll quickly get over those, swept up whats going on around you.
Anyway, I wish I was there to wish you a happy birthday in person, and to buy you a cold stone chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake (some things never change), hit Zara for the latest men's fashion, or just hang out and watch old episodes of Family Guy and the Simpsons.
Love always,
Your brother
"Strength and Honor"

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