A stretch hummer limo with an open moon roof packed with young teenagers cruising paseo de la reforma.
One of the numerous poor people selling pirated MP3 CDs on the metro,
this grungy young guy, backpack stereo blasting northern corridas, gets
the attention of an old woman. He hands her one of the CDs and she
gives him a ten peso coin. He puts the coin back in her withered hands
and continues on. I don’t know if he did it from charity or to gain
sympathy for the charitable act, or a mixture of both, but I was
touched, as I often am, by the high levels of charity and compassion I
see here in Mexico City.
I am tempted to theorize that poorer cities, especially those in
developing countries, have inhabitants who are more compassionate to one
another. This is not to say that everyone is an angel, there is more
interpersonal brutality as well, but it seems as though these cities
function largely based on interpersonal relationships and social
networks, necessarily extending to strangers. Developed western cities
with well-functioning bureaucratic and urban systems and generally high
standards can afford to prioritize comfort and convenience to a certain
extent. You can look the Starbucks up on your iPhone, and there’s always
plenty of parking.
In the developing world, you have to ask for directions, and get tips
about where its safe to park, or which areas are dangerous, or if you
can bribe your way out of a parking ticket. The visitor is dependent
upon the passer by, and the passer by releases this information because
he knows he also will need the aid and knowledge of strangers to
navigate the city.
It’s almost a kind of urban social contract- it allows an exchange of
knowledge and ability to close the gaps in the official system, without
which, the entire system of the city comes to a screeching halt.
Perhaps compassion is the wrong word, it’s a greater and more active
understanding of how reliant the people of the city are on each other.
When the lights go out in the city, do you know and can you rely on your
neighbor? I worry about the US in this regard- and it is the utmost of
folly to say, oh the grid will never fail. Resilient cities are those
whose systems are not purely mechanical. Governments will fail,
infrastructure will fail, disease, famine, drought, and war will come as
they have throughout human history. Society underpins the City- the
soft network is the real infrastructure holding the city together.
I guess that’s also why I find all the TV shows about
post-apocalyptic American life so disturbing. The scenario for these
shows is something happens to the physical structure of life in the
cities and society collapses. There is an implicit understanding of
civilization as contingent on a physical basis rather than on a social
one. It’s an understanding of cities as a collection of buildings with
people in them and the accompanying systems to maintain their well
being. With this mentality, if the city stops ‘functioning’ in the
mechanistic sense, then it’s the end of the city, i.e. the end of
society, i.e. time to stock up on guns and ammo, every man for himself,
Cities are like streets and US dollars. No one thinks to blink at the
idea of entrusting strangers with their lives and lives of their
children. Every day, people place their trust in ten thousand other
people not to speed and hit them or swerve into their lane from the
opposite direction. How is it that we don’t trust a hundred pre-screened
air travelers with a box cutter, but we are all totally fine with
10,000 people in control of multi-ton vehicles moving at high speed in
our direction?
Similarly, there is nothing that backs the dollar. There’s no gold,
no silver, no wagon wheels or salt or shells. It’s a currency, one of
the strongest in the world, based purely on trust and agreement between
people that it has value. The built environment is the paper to the
currency of the city.
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