Sep 27, 2008


The last time I needed to give Suki antibiotics, I had to drive out to the end of Phoenix in Sun City to get a suspension made up so I could inject it in a fluid form into Suki's mouth. This serum which she fought long and hard against, I would inject into her cheek pouch and then she would smack her lips and foam and try to drool it all out, mostly on her shaggy mane and on the couch. 

This time, I opted for a solid pill, as it was cheaper than the suspension, and it couldn't be worse then the suspension I had to inject twice daily. In blatent violation of reader expectations, I was correct- Suki takes the pulls much more readily than the squirted liquid. No, she's not happy about it, but she takes it with a kind of loathing resignation. She knows now when I'm getting ready to give it to her. First, I take out a paper towel. Then I get out the butter, and cut a very small crumb of it and coat half of a tiny pill. I wipe my hands on the paper towel to minimize the amount of butter on my hand. I advance on Suki, who does not try to flee but kind of hunkers down on the ground. I go behind her and squat on my heels so she can't back up to escape. I carefully grab the front of her face, and pull it so she's looking up and pry her jaws open. Then, with my other hand, I carefully plop the pill on the back of her tongue. Usually, she manages to tongue it out at least once, but finally, she'll swallow it, and I let her go. The ordeal lasts less than a minute, and she's not terribly angry at me afterwards, either.

Teruko-San,  a friend of Saori's, has two cats who are ancient old men by cat standards, 16 years old. A sci-fi fan, one is named Data, and the other is Newt, of Aliens. Data is the blackest of the black cats I've ever seen. When he has his pale green eyes closed, it becomes a cat-shaped void in the universe. Its the kind of cat the defense department spends billions of dollars developing. Even in direct light, the only way the eyes can resolve it is a kind of glossy sheen on highlights of a moving darkness.

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