Mar 5, 2014

Last week in Phoenix

Restless tonight. It's been a few busy days. Monday I spent most of the day working on a project for mom of putting in a wine rack. Too many trips to Lowe's, cutting, sanding, sealing with polyurethane, trying to make everything fit tightly. It's actually pretty challenging to cut a straight line on a 9" deep board. I picked up some cinder block and Ive been using those as sawhorses and board stays.

Tuesday, I went over to Sally's first thing to hang out with G while S has some medical tests done. She's had some really worrisome symptoms and they're trying to figure out what is going on. In the meanwhile, G is kind of missing the attention so I was happy to come over and keep him company. Thinking about them a lot lately and hoping its nothing too serious.

He introduced me to the many facets of Minecraft and then we walked over to his karate dojo where he is as assistant for the youngest class of kids. That was an interesting experience. For the age of five or so, the half hour lesson was more about learning to listen and sit still, and enthusiastic running around games more than it was about marital arts training. I wonder what it must be like, to be a certified black belt (and they all seem to be really focused on certifications), with years of advanced martial arts training, and basically acting as a kindergarten PE teacher. I wonder where they get that training, which requires a very different skill set. The other interesting thing was that since we are in the heart of Mormon county, I was not surprised to see half the kids coming in with mothers carrying infants. G worked with the little kids, giving them encouragement, trying to move them along, demonstrating movements and what the kids were supposed to be doing. I was impressed.

J took us out to lunch at a pizza place frequently by the Boeing people and we talked about anime, travel and other things. After getting back, I met Sally and S and she gave me a box of girl scout cookies for the road.

I drove back to the house, shaved, threw on a nicer shirt and after ten minutes of relaxing breathing, headed back out for another meeting downtown. I met Rhonda at the Phoenix center of the Arts where Project Rising shares a home with Roosevelt Row, and we sat down with Leslie to go over the pro forma, business plan, and financial summary in addition to the slide order and graphics. The city pitch has been pushed back further, and Rhonda was unsettled because we don't really know the political machinations behind the date change.

As always, its a reminder that architects don't buildings, contractors don't build buildings: politics and financing build buildings.

Anyway, Rhonda took me out to dinner as a token of appreciation at Barrio Cafe, which was packed to a 40 minute wait on a Tuesday night. And that's normal. Apparently word has gotten out about this place.

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.