May 12, 2010

Why so low?

Every morning, I load webpage that gives me my email, my calender, the latest facebook updates, the front page of BBC news and the front page of my local newspaper. I also see the latest postings from BLDGBLOG and ArchDaily. The former provides interesting perspectives of architecture and planning across numerous disciplines, and the latter provides numerous daily postings of new cutting edge architecture from around the world. (We call it "architecture porn"- all of the buildings are shot by professionals with the intent to make them look sexy, and it looks like it's never been touched or inhabited by real people. No clutter, no knicknacks, no loose paper, no fingerprints on the glass or the immaculate white walls, none of the dirt or clutter that people bring to real spaces.)

I was on this website when I read about a new resort in Bali, Indonesia, that has some very, very attractive spaces. Where beautiful textured architecture  meets sparkling blue water and pristine locations, its hard for me not to drool a little. When I see cool spaces, my first response is, can I get there? I went to the resort website and looked for a room. Here's what I got back:
I saw the $700 rate per night first, right above the "Why are our rates so low?" sign. I suppose for a room normally the price of a macbook pro, $700 is kind of a steal of a deal. Why are the rates so low?

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.