Sep 14, 2013

Workin' Saturday

Thursday I drank too much coffee and ended up with only a few hours of sleep. Friday I worked until 11pm, chugged a cup of noodle soup and crashed in bed after literally stumbling around the apartment. Today, as in saturday, as in the the first day of the weekend, I wasn't able to sleep past 8:30, ate some cereal for breakfast, and had to go in to work at 11. Felt awful like I was hung over all morning. I think its dehydration. Or altitude. Worked until 10pm. Ate three tacos al pastor on the way home with a beer, and watched professional boxing.

Yesterday, I bought my return ticket to the US. Mixed feelings about leaving. I hate to miss dia de Los muertos, but I don't want to hang around another month. Got a great deal on the ticket though, $130 mexico city to San Antonio.

Tomorrow is Mexico's independence day, or at least the first day of its commemoration. Me plan is to go around taking photos of the celebrations and decorations, and to brave the crowds of the Zocaló for the traditional Grito or shout by the president.

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.