Apr 23, 2014

model charette

The meeting with the boss yesterday afternoon did not go too well. We keep junping too far forward with these projects, labeling individual rooms when he's not even convinced we have the appropriate building form at the urban scale.

So yesterday afternoon and all day today we did the model charette at 1:500 scale, working with rigid foam and butterboard. I roughed in some really bad but very diverse and interesting ideas, and of course the boss came in a little before six today to critique what we had ready. We weren't expecting him until tomorrow morning, but it worked out for the best anyway.

He mostly works in German, although when he's making points that he wants me to understand he switches over to English. He reminded me again today that if I'm going to make it as an architect in Germany, I'm going to need to learn German. Time to find a language course. Or at least a path forward to get me going on this. Pick a book.

After work, I met Saori at the Schlossplatz in the middle of Stadtmitte for the first night of free outdoor animation festival. We plonked down in the grass and got a radler beer (half lemonade, half beer), and two brats with dijon mustard. Das ist lekker! Saori then went to go meet Lina for some girl talk over burgers, and I headed home up on the hill at Camp Fox.

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I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to Medium.com, a more writing-centric website. medium.com/@wende