Sep 14, 2011

birthday weekend- in graphical form!

So I turned 27 last weekend, and edged a little closer to 30. At this point, there are only four more things I am not old enough to do:

  • Run for the Presidency of the United States
  • Get senior citizen discounts
  • Withdraw from an IRA or 401(k) without penalties
  • Receive social security benefits
Whooo! Let the countdown begin! ::cough:: ::cough:::

So I turned 27 last weekend. Coincidentally, this was the same weekend that I was given the assignment to track 48 hours of my life in minute detail as part of a studio assignment. So, this rather exceptional weekend included five hours at bars, five hours of partying at a friend's house, a dozen beers (throughout the 48 hour period), a hot tub, and, surprisingly, 5 hours of walking. Click for larger image.
how I spent my time at each place

time spent organized by activity

graphical representation of my birthday
horizontal banding by place, activity by color
dotted line indicates emotional state
gray bars on bottom indicate people around me

1 comment:

Taylor Perkins said...

Don't forget you still cant run for senate yet either!

Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.