Feb 27, 2013

packing list for the Prius

Stuff I’m taking with me to Mexico
  1. large suitcase containing clothes for working in Mexico.
  2. medium duffle bag containing clothes I’ve been wearing around, plus shoes, toiletries, netbook, chargers, climbing shoes.
  3. large messenger bag containing, you know, messages. Also, pens.
Stuff I’m leaving somewhere temporarily
  1. Dell computer tower. This is kind of a large, fragile item. Given its size, I’m wondering if I should even be dragging it along partway. I wanted it basically to practice my Rhino skills before I make a fool of myself at the office, where I’m assuming, they use Rhino. Something to check on.
  2. 23” flat panel monitor for the tower.
Stuff I’m giving away
  1. box of legos - for a old classmates’ child
  2. a very large valuable watercolor of a Beijing hutong
  3. a not so large or valuable framed Chinese embroidery
Stuff related to Suki which I am leaving with Tay
  1. Suki the cat
  2. suki’s litter box
  3. bag of brushes and bowls
  4. giant bag of food
  5. giant box of kitty litter
  6. The giant hardshell kitty carrier
  7. The smaller soft kitty carrier
I’m pretty sure it will all fit.

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to Medium.com, a more writing-centric website. medium.com/@wende