Aug 4, 2006

whats new, argentina?

I am safe and settled in my new apartment in Buenos Aires. The city is cool, requiring a jacket, but a welcome relief from Abu Dhabi and Phoenix. BA is a mix between Paris, New York, and Budapest. I love it, deeply entrenched in my honeymoon phase. Already love the Malbecs here. $3 USD for a great wine. Aldo is here, Jamie comes the 14th. We have a cosy 8th floor apartment with a luxury mall and tons of shops 5 blocks away. They're putting a Zara in there soon. Everything is very cheap. I'm currently using a friend's laptop at thier apartment. Lots of undergrads here, although all the grad students have claimed that they're too tired from the flight/ tour etc. I missed. The way I missed it was I was trying to get some money from the ATM and missed Aldo leaving the change place, and then I didn't know where the tour bus was leaving from, so I just walked around and went shopping. Picked up some $15 computer speakers at the mall so I've got some tunes in the apartment now. Who is here? Dusty, Jacob, Chris, Aldo, Emily, Saori, and a few other people whom I need to learn their names, my real weak point.

Our apartment is located at the crossroads of Soler and Vidt if you can find a map of Palermo, Buenos Aires. I'm out of here! Buenos nochas!

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.