May 11, 2012

things to do

I'm going to take the time to write down my broad summer goals since by the time school rolls around again in the fall, I'm probably going to need a laugh.

  • I need to finish my Design Thinking book, which means I need to do the slow and painful thing of actually documenting all my sources. And it still needs a conclusion. "Make them weep" was my instructors exact words for that class.
  • Make Rhino and grasshopper my go-to tools. I actually want to revise my grasshopper tower that I designed for the optimisation class.
  • Website. I have a lot of projects that I'm proud of, academic and otherwise, and I kind of want to showcase them in a format that lets you navigate from book projects to studio work to competitions in an easily understood format. I just got a CargoCollective account although I haven't done anything with it yet.
  • Get a job. A paying job would be nice. Actually, I wouldn't even mind volunteering for a good cause.
  • As far as school goes, I need to start thinking in architectural terms of what my degree project is going to be like, its still disturbingly vague right now.
  • Get some exercise. Seriously. 
  • Meet up with family- there's a major family reunion and a wedding coming up.
I got a head start just cleaning up the apartment this morning with Saori. Feels good to have that done, but now I just feel super lazy. 

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.