Apr 22, 2012

wasting time dot tumblr dot com

I've noticed a tendency of mine to get distracted and involve myself with distractions directly proportional to the importance of the work I should be working on. Since we are in the last two weeks before final review, I decided that I needed to have a tumblr dot com microblog account. This has been kind of fun, actually. So far I've just posted a few quotes from design thinking reviews, although I think I'll add studio-related material as time goes on. Since I tend to produce material for it in large bursts, I'm happy there's a queue I can dump stuff in that gets published more regularly rather than all at once. The site is here: www.stlsolarflare.tumblr.com and I also added a kind of feed on the right side of the page >

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to Medium.com, a more writing-centric website. medium.com/@wende