Apr 12, 2013

gay mexico

One of the more unexpected things I’ve seen here in Mexico, heavily Catholic, heavily macho, is a very open gay culture. Or at least, open in the places I’ve spent most of my time downtown, on Paseo de la Reforma. Actually, thinking about it now, it makes sense that there would be a strong gay community in Mexico city, probably the most liberal and tolerant place in the country. So I’m basically working next door to Provincetown, RI, and should definitely not mistake it for the whole county.

Still, I was interested to see rainbow colored posters in the metro system, created by the city government, calling for and highlighting “diversidad sexual” and reminding people that the LGBTTII (what even IS intersex?) are entitled to tolerance and equal rights.

Actually, I was amazed to learn Mexico City recognizes gay marriage and allows abortions, which is a lot more progressive than most US states. Sometimes I feel like I’m from a country which thinks of itself as the London of the World, when in fact, its more Azerbaijan than its willing to admit.

There is an upscale mall and a stretch of Paseo de la Reforma which is flooded with gay and a few lesbian couples of all ages, kissing, holding hands, walking, and just hanging out.

I’ve been told that the back of the metro trains here are kind of gay meeting places, especially late at night, but so far I’ve avoided being out late as a general safety measure.

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