Apr 11, 2013

the long road to work

Yesterday, it took me an hour and ten minutes to get to work. Today, it took me the same amount of time to get to the metro station.

Walking out of Alejandro’s street, I just missed one combi, but less than a minute later an empty combi picked me up. Traffic was horrendous. We inched forward and finally confirming that my destination was the metro, the driver left his usual route to take me on a wild, roundabout ride in Nuacalpan, an area of steep valleys and ridges completely covered with apparently informal housing and businesses. The impromptu and casual architecture made me think it was all slum, but I passed frequent houses on the road which had official looking signage naming the address and the owner of the building. From the road along the ridge, the view was spectacular of the dense city spreading over the hills.

I don’t want to have a 70 minute ride every day, but I wasn’t even irritated. Charged the usual 50 cents fare at the station, the driver seemed apologetic. I felt bad for the guy considering he basically made 50 cents for over an hours worth of work. I don’t think that would even cover the cost of the gas.

Anyway, got off at Revolution and decided to try to save some time by taking the metrobus. I swiped my fare card, got on the platform, and watched four busses go by. The busses come every few minutes, and they’re huge. The problem is they so pincha packed with people, people have to slide around and reorganize just to let the doors open. Its literally more packed than the subway. I gave up and walked the 30 minutes to the office. Only would have saved me 10 to 15 minutes anyway.

Delicious guisados for lunch, chicken molé was particularly good, with chuletquilles and crema, and washed down with fresh guava juice.

Coming home: much faster.

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