Jun 25, 2013

The pain of procrastination

Riding the metro, and especially transiting through Tacubaya, I cannot help but be reminded of Fritz Lang's movie Metropolis, where masses of the lower class surge throughthe industrial   underground passages and giant elevators. 

The fact that the upper classes tend to eschew this form of transportation reinforces the analogy. There may be divided cities here, but at least they're on the same topographic level.

I saw the dentist this morning. He spoke english fluently, and his office handles a lot of the employees from the American school, so I feel in reasonably good hands. 

Anyway, the dentist took my medical history, took a look, and made some xrays. The cavity in my tooth goes all way  to the nerve and is beginning to form an abscess at the base. So, root canal.

I'm actualy waiting for the proceedure now, sitting in the small waiting room with rustic wood panels, obligatory chamber music, and a paper machie parrot.

I think this is root canal #3 for me. I try not to keep count. It's not going to be much fun. At least its going to be a lot cheaper than the US. 

Of course, if I'd just taken care of it a few months ago, perhaps as soon as I'd arrived, it would just have been a $100-200 filing, and I'd already be back at work. 

I can't keep doing this. Unless I get my procrastinaton under control, I'm not going to be able to live the life I want to live. In a way, I kind of feel that it's my major barrier to reaching true adulthood, my late twenties nonwithstanding.

I'll start working on my procastination problem tomorrow.


The proceedure went fine. No pain at all. The endodontist wanted to know what flavor of topical anesthetic I wanted, and since piƱa colada was on the menu, that's what I went for. I am in Mexico after all. It was by far the easiest root canal I've ever had. I was totally numbed for the entire thing and so far no pain or swelling post-procedure. 

I got the American School discount, which means my grand total came to just about $300 USD. This is without insurance. I'm beginning to understand medical tourism. I think I shelled out close to $800 my last root canal in the US. 

No pain in my jaw or tooth anymore. Still taking it easy post procedure though. K met me for enchiladas for dinner tonight at the place near my office. Delicious as usual, although the telenovela volume was cranked to 11.  One thing off the list. Time to start putting my life together.

Yesterday, I got my first student loan bill. 

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