Jun 19, 2013


Went to the grocery store after work last night. There's a dingy Sumsea about a ten minute walk that I go to stock up on my light dinner makings. Picked up whole milk, a bunch of yogurt, half a kilo of fresh corn tortillas, and two cans of beans. Welcome to light and easy dining. The bagger at checkout asked me something apologetically, and I said basically sure, not knowing exactly what I was agreeing to, but figuring it was some minor inconvienence or another. Turned out to be he gave me my groceries in a small cardboard box. Ok.

Whew! Another thrilling story from the annals of Mexico City!

Speaking of dining, here's what I eat in an average day here
  • desayuno 8am - I usually alternate between a bowl of cereal or cup of yogurt at home, and grabbing some pan dulce (sweet bread) on the streets. Everywhere there are street vendors selling pastries of various types including donas (donuts), muffins, cakes, puff pastries, etc. If I'm feeling tribal, I'll pick up a traditional tamale Oaxacaña (green tamale wrapped in banana leaf) and atole.
  • coffee break 11am - coffee or tea from the office kitchen and some peices of fresh french bread with jam or honey or whatever.
  • comida 2pm - Lunch is the big meal of the day here, and my main source of protein. Most days, I go to the comida corrida place around the block. It's cheap, fast, good, and they give you a good mix of rice, beans, and meat, sometimes even some greens. I'll also go walk for enchaladas, grab tacos from the street cart at the corner, takeway Japanesish food, barbacoa tacos from the market stalls on friday, burgers occationally, that kind of thing. 
  • cena 8:30pm - Light and easy for dinner. Salad, or ramen with egg, yogurt, beans, tortilas, leftovers, whatever. Just a little carbohydrates or greens to get me through the night and take the edge of my hunger. Sometimes a slice or two of pizza from the counter up the street. 
At some point, I'm going to have to start cooking stuff from the Bayless cookbook since I can get all the ingrediants cheaply and easily right here, right now.

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