Nov 7, 2004

the Blog: postmodernist simulacrum

Simulacrum: n (1) an image or representation. (2) An unreal or vauge semblance.

Slept in this morning until about 11 or so, then I made biscuits and gravy. Biscuits from a tube, gravy from a box. At least the apple butter was homemade. Today I need to make a study model for architecture, and I may run down to Big5 with Ben. The model is going to be a bit of a pain, since I need to buy clear plastic for the glass. I also need to make a larger site context. So lots of shopping this morning. Wish I had a car, that way I could get my errands done a bit easier. Tonight is Salsa dancing at Club Rio. Mucho gusto, y muy divertido, pero we missed it last sunday because of Halloween. Hope I can get back into the swing of it quickly.

Architecture is a decision made every day.

Studio is 40% inspiration and 90% perspiration

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to, a more writing-centric website.