Jul 15, 2013

Subpar journalism

Didn't sleep well last night. My choice of barbacoa taco stalls for lunch came back to haunt me. I guess I need to stick with the street vendors my microbes know and trust.

New girl in the office today. I haven't't had a chance to talk to her, although I've heard she's studying in Boston, and interning here as part of her program. Could be BAC, Harvard, MIT. Who knows, at any rate, it's another intern. The question on my mind is: what is she going to be working on? My house project is done, and today I moved on to assisting the Lyon project a bit and then jumped over to reference research (Hello Pinterest!) for a giant apartment tower on the coast.

I did post another blog on the archinect.com page, which got good coverage through the site, although reading it later, the speling errores made me cringe. I really wish I'd ran it through an application with spellcheck before publishing it. Nothing kills credibility like stupid spelling mistakes.

As long as I'm metablogging, I'm nearing the end of moving my blog posts over from tumblr to blogger. I updated the best and worst post: in between the time when I published it a month and a half in and now, I've come to really appreciate Mexican warmth and hospitality, and to really loathe the rainy season here.

When you run out of things to write about, stop writing.

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Medium is the message

I moved the blog again. I deleted the Tumblr account and moved everything to Medium.com, a more writing-centric website. medium.com/@wende