May 11, 2013

O orange juice

What is it about fresh squeezed orange juice that makes it so good?

Light and energy from the sun travels the 8 light-minutes to earth, and bathes orange trees in its glow. The orange tree pulls nutrients from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air, and using the raw sunlight, binds them together to create its own energy and sugars. The tree’s roots drink water from the ground and this water gets filtered through the entire length of the tree, from the root tips to the ends of the branches. There is an ecosystem and nested cycles of metabolism, life and death, reproduction. There are the bees which travel from orange blossom to orange blossom with their own cycles of life intertwined with the trees.

When you drink a glass of fresh orange juice, you can taste ALL of it.

Saori and I brought a carafe of fresh squeezed orange juice to a group breakfast once, and upon having a glass for the first time, a classmate remarked to the table, “This orange juice has changed my life."

I thought he was using hyperbole, but he may have well meant it.

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