May 4, 2013

sorry about the, you know, hundred thousand dead

Obama was in Mexico today, and in an ingratiating speech ( I think he pulled every cultural reference on Mexico’s Wikipedia page ) he also promised to work harder on our side of the border in securing guns.
Like Obama, I too found myself apologizing to Mexicans on behalf of America. Let’s face it, the vast majority of drugs produced in Mexico are consumed in the US, and nearly all the guns in Mexico are purchased in the US. While it’s the fucking cartels who are killing each other and anyone else who happens to be in the general area, its good old US steel and lead in their hands.
I’m still disgusted and appalled that the NRA, pockets lined the billions from gun and ammo makers, was able to cow my congress into blocking legislation mandating mandatory background checks. No, its not going to stop the sick wackos who off a dozen people every year, but you’re probably going to save the lives of the hundreds if not thousands who are killed in domestic disputes, holdups, etc. I’m voting all of them out.
The great, horrible thing about America is we are so idealistic, so ideologically driven, we will call black white to make it conform to what we feel we need to believe. Case in point: we’re still trying to get science taught in science class. Sometimes it feels like I’m living in the United States of Azerbaijan.
But we need to keep our guns to keep the government from getting out of hand, amirite? Now, I mistrust the government as much as the next conservative, but do you really think that a bunch of good ol’ boys with shotguns and a few semiautomatic rifles are going to be able to slap down the most powerful, technologically advanced army in the world? This isn’t 1776, my friends.
I’m ranting here, and the sad thing it really doesn’t matter: the net effect is that a few readers will find my comments off-putting, and cigarettes, processed food, and cars will continue to bring far more death, disease, and disaster to the lives of Americans than the NRA can even begin to fantasize.

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